To protect systems against transient overvoltages or surges from lightning and electrical switching events
Arrester Class: II
Connection Type: Screw clamp
Discharge Current: Nominal 20 kA
I (max, 8 / 20 µs) 40 kA
Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (Uc):275 V
Nominal AC Voltage of the System (Uo):220 V
Number of Protected Poles: 2
Product Main Type: Power SPD
Product Name: Surge Protective Devices
Rated Frequency (f): 50 / 60 Hz
Short Circuit Withstand Icc: 25 kA
Standards: IEC 61643-11
Suitable For: To protect systems against transient overvoltages or surges from lightning and electrical switching events
Temporary Overvoltage Test Value (UT): 334 V
Type of Low Voltage Distribution System: TT
Voltage Protection Level ( Up): 0.9 kV
Wire Stripping Length: 11 mm